Ladies: What should your carry in your handbag?
For all ladies out there, if you are always confused as to what to carry with you in your big hand bag or tote, then here is the list of things that you should not forget to carry. Well these are certain things which you should always carry with you, specially if you are an working woman.To look good and feel good should always be your concern when going out. So if you are carrying a fashionable handbag, then its better to carry few essentials always.
Inside ladies bag |
Hand Bag Essentials |
Some Must Have Essentials In Your Bag
- Cell phone: Make sure your phone is fully-charged when you get out of the house. It’s a small thing, but you’ll never know when you’ll need them to work.
- Small Umbrella: You might drive your own car. But carrying this inside your bag is very useful. Rain can come at any time, even in the sunniest summer day.
- Wallet/Purse: Credit cards, debit cards, receipts, coupons and of course changes.
- Compact/pressed Powder: No need to carry all make-up, a neutral-colored compact powder will get you through the day.
- Lipstick: Carry a natural shade so that it goes with all dresses and so that you dont have keep on changing your lipstick in the bag as per your dress.
- A kajal pencil/maskara/eye shadow (optional)
- A small hair brush
A small mirror: To carry out your make up activities. Touch up after college/office if you are off to a movie, lunch or a date. You need a mirror to check if you have chewed up your lipstick, whether your hair is in place.
- Sunglasses: If you are fashion-conscious, then you should have one. Go for a classic black color to suit every mood. (Latest fashion: bigger the frame, the better).
- Wet Wipes: You’ll need to freshen up in a hurry.
- Mints: For fresh breath. Pop one to get that fresh taste, after a long day out.
- Deo: Need to stay smelling good always.
- Pads/Tampons: Just in case.
- Condoms: Lets face it (if you are the outgoing types).
- A sharp object like knife or pepper/chilly powder spray : Girls, you never know when it comes in handy, especially in an isolated area.
Did I forget anything else? Oh yes, if you want you can also carry your digicam, who knows you might visit a beautiful place without any prior plans and there are interesting things to click. A recent survey by a reputed magazine, showed that women carry lot of stuff in their bags besides the ones mentioned above like safety pins, band aids, cheque books, diary, pen and lots more. From time to time, remember to clean up and clear up your bag. Get rid of all the unnecessary junk, bills and paper.